what's the cost?

Crayon Talent Crayon Lite Crayon Freely Crayon Social Crayon Team
Description Our managed
talent sourcing
Our solution for
the freelance
Leverage your
Get to know your
current team with
baseline profiling
Personality Assessments
Screening & Interviews
Candidate Report Pack
Crayon Vitaes
Standardised CVs
Job Management Dashboard
Baseline Profile Report
Cost 5% of
annual CTC
R1,950 per
job posted
10% of
freelancer fee
25% of
incentive fee
R9 950 for teams
of up to 20
TermsAll fees payable by the employer. VAT of 15% will be added. Payable upon
successful hire,
minimum fee
of R19 950
Payable upon
posting of job,
more info
to follow
Payable upon
minimum fee
of R950
Payable upon
posting of job,
more info
to follow
50% payable
upfront, 50%
payable upon
release of report